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Voter Registration Information

Am I registered to vote? Use our voter lookup tool to check your current voter registration status.

Am I eligible to vote?

Register to Vote Online

Election Day Registration Information

How do I register to vote?

What is the deadline for me to register to vote?

  • Voter registration deadlines vary depending on the election.
  • The pre-election voter registration cutoff deadline is seven (7) days before Election Day. Connecticut also has Election Day Registration on Election Day itself for voters who need it. If you miss the deadline for registering for an election, you can register and vote in person on Election Day at your town’s Election Day Registration location.  Election Day Registration Information

To learn more visit  The Office of Secretary of State

Votar Republicano

Llegar a los votantes hispanos es un factor crítico en nuestro esfuerzo por convertir a Connecticut en rojo. Jayme Stevenson está totalmente comprometida a atraer nuevos votantes hispanos conservadores a nuestro partido y apoya plenamente los esfuerzos del Comité Nacional Republicano para hacer lo mismo.

Además de abrir un centro de participación en New Britain, RNC se está conectando con los votantes hispanos para proporcionar mensajes importantes sobre el estado de nuestra economía y nuestro país en español, que nos enorgullece presentar aquí.

Absentee Voting Information

How do I vote absentee?

For an emergency ballot within 6 days of an election, please use the following Emergency Application for Absentee Ballot:

For a referendum with less than 3 weeks’ notice, please use the following Application for Absentee Ballot for Referendum Authorized to Be Held With Less than 3 Weeks’ Notice (please note these ballots can not be mailed to you):

If you have a permanent disability, you may be eligible to apply for a permanent absentee ballot. Contact your local Town Clerk for details.

Find Your Town Clerk

Absentee Ballot Fact Sheet

Explanation of Absentee Ballot Process

Accommodations for Voters with Print Disabilities

What if I am in the military or currently living overseas?

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